Monday, July 2, 2012

I like them TALL!

I got up this morning and had a nice swim.  I love how swimming just sets the tone for me for the rest of the day. The water always feels so good no matter what mood I'm in or what's going on.

Anyway, I had all the intentions of going into Boston today to view the Tall Ships, but my trip got postponed because of an issue here at the house (read previous blog).

 Now, what is a Tall Ship? 

Think Pirates of the Caribbean...Master and Commander....etc...

Aren't they they coolest thing ever?

I love these boats.  Why I love them, I'm not even sure.  I grew up in the desert and really only saw boats that were on the back of a trailer.  None of those boats were like these boats though, that's for sure.

Eventually  I got out of the desert and moved to Hawaii.  In my first apartment I had a view of Pearl Harbor and I used to watch the ships and submarines go in and out of port.  I remember my first trip to Pearl Harbor and falling in love with the Naval ships there.

Anyway, back to the tall ships...  Why these ships?  Why are they so awe inspiring for me? 

Well, a few months ago, I went on a tour of the USS Constitution. 

Now I had now idea what an impact that 200 year old boat would have on my life, but it did.

Walking up to that ship, I was mesmerized by the masts and all the rigging. She's also made of wood.  They call her Old Ironsides because of the design with which her hull was made. Now even though her sails were furled and she was docked, I fell in love.  I began to wonder what she must be like out on the open ocean.  I wonder how many people does it take to handle all the sails.  I wonder what would it be like to climb the mast and sit watch in the crow's nest. I wonder what it takes to manuver her.   I wonder what it must be like to command a ship like her. 

I was talking to my mother about them and she's now convinced that I was both a mermaid and a pirate in a past life!  ha ha ha....who knows..maybe I was.  That still doesn't answer the question of why do I love these boats so much? 

Maybe it's the history of them.  Hundreds of years ago, people made boats like this and sailed around the world.  International trade was established because of boats like these.  Continents were discovered because of them.  Wars have been won and lost with these boats.

When I think of the United States before it was 'the United States', someone had the grand idea to sail some of these ships and find a new home.  So they loaded up their boats and sailed, across the great  big ocean without gasoline or steam power. Can you imagine doing that?  No GPS.  No Engine.  Just you and a boat and the wind.  The idea boggles and frightens me a bit though I do know if someone offered me a trip to sail around the world on one of these boats, I would surely do it.

Maybe that's why I love them too.

So my plan today to go see the beautiful tall ships has been postponed....but I will see them.  Oh yes....I am going to see the tall Ships, if not this week, then next week...:)

 Yeah...I like them TALL....hee hee...

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