Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Pets and Packing

I have three days left in NM until I leave for Alaska. Three whole days and then I'll be spending the better part of Saturday on 4 planes. I'm excited and thrilled to be going because I'll be making money and seeing another part of the world. I just love that.

Unfortunately, I will be leaving the sanctum of my home. I love working from home even though it does get lonely from time to time because there's really no one here to interact with other than myself and the animals most days.

Speaking of the animals, I swear they know something is going on. See, just recently I put my suitcase that I had taken to PA in my garage because I wasn't expecting to get another contract for a while. Well, I brought it back into the house and started packing it. Once that happened, all 6 of my cats have been acting really odd.

For instance, Odin, one of the tabbies, has been following me around the house, mewing and getting on me every time I sit down to do anything. In fact, as I am typing this, he's just come in and jumped on my lap for a little love. His brother, Grayson, has gotten just as bad, demanding attention whenever I'm on the couch or the bed.

Ahjah, my elderly cat, has been climbing all over me when I get into bed. In fact, she has now decided that rather than sleep on her pillow, she would rather sleep on my head or neck every night. Wee, Lola and Jasmine have all taken to sleeping on my suitcase. In fact, if I try to move Jasmine from the suitcase, she throws a protest and meows at me.

All of them have been jumping on my kitchen counters as well which is a big no-no in my home. Seriously, I think they all know I'm going to be gone for while and are secretly plotting to keep me here by showing me how much they love me. I suppose in some ways their behaviour is a great compliment, but at the same time, it's not helping me prepare for this trip.

I am going to miss them all terribly, even their icky boxes. The other day I started thinking about 13 weeks and what that really means. In the most simplest terms, it's 3 months. Hmm...three months. What does that mean? Well, it's a quarter of a year. Wow!

Last time I was gone for a month and I loved it. Now I'm going to be gone that long, times three. I'm also not going to anywhere near civilization. On my other assignment, I was in a huge metropolis and it was great. I'm wondering what being out in the middle of nowhere is going to be like. I might fall in love with it. who knows. I'm going to miss my home and my pets. I have no idea what I am going to do when I'm not working. I might end up working alot. I guess I'll just have to be patient until I get there and see what it's really like. I will have internet access which is good. I won't have a car, but that's alright. The town only has 10 miles of roads.

I'm really looking forward to the weather there. From my understanding, the median temperature is between 60 and 70 during the day and in the 40s at night. I am going to love that seeing as NM has been hotter than hell these last few weeks and I'm sick of the heat. I'll probably start snowing in late Sept or early Oct and I love snow. I'm so looking forward to that as well.

I've got so much on my mind! Anyway, I guess I better get Jasmine off of my suitcase and finish packing....

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