Friday, May 28, 2010

Miracles and Conviction

Miracles happen every day. Somedays you just gotta be awake enough to see them.

One of my guinea pigs has been having a rough time this spring. First, she got a bad infestation of mites. Second, her eye got infected. Third and finally, she has developed an odd head tilt.

I've only been home a few weeks and her mites have resolved. One day last week, I noticed that her left eye was not normal. In fact, OMG...holy hell, it was infected! Off to the vet we went. The vet was concerned about the eye and not so much the head tilt.

The next day, I had to take said cavy in to see the opthalmologist. I know I know, who knew there were veterinary opthalmologists. I surely didn't. So at that appointment, the vets convene and decide to do surgery on my pig to save her eye. Granted, they had told me prior that her head tilt might be a concern for something neurological.

Hmm...and they wanted to do surgery with anesthetic? way! She might have a neurological issue and they wanted to give her anesthesia to save her eye! I had one of my 'dr' moments so I refused the surgery. I then told them that maybe I should put her to sleep because her health might be worse off than imagined.

I don't think I have ever felt so horrible in my whole life. I have the money to pay for the surgery, but I just absolutely did not want to put my beloved cavy through that. She's the weakest one. She's the littlest one and soo cute. I sat there in the dr's office in tears because I had just nearly signed her death warrant. I asked the goddess for help...I begged in fact, please, please don't make me do this. She's a sweetheart and I'd rather take her home and let her life out in peace. DON"T make me do this....I don't want to put her through surgery or have to put her to sleep. It was agonizing!

About 10 minutes later, I got an answer. Both dr's agreed that her head tilt was more of a concern than her eye. They sent me home with more meds for her and an appointment in two weeks for a check up.

Now it's only been 3 days and the miracle has happened. I'm so glad I was awake enough to see it. My piggie is running around like mad, happy, eating and drinking, greeting me with weets in the morning and her eye is nearly healed. I couldn't believe it this morning when I was giving her medication. Her head tilt is less pronounced. I am in awe of this situation.

I knew the outlook was not good for her eye, but she can live without an eye. Somehow through a miracle of sorts, she is getting better. Her eye looks better. She is acting like the other piggies now, running around, eating and just doing what piggies do and do well.

I even called the dr. to tell her about it today. She wasn't as impressed as I was, but that didn't matter. My baby piggie has been mostly healed and I couldn't be happier or more thankful.

The universe works in mysterious ways. I'm glad I was awake for this one

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