So who is your favourite superhero?
I think my favourite superheros are the ones that have rejuvenation capabilities like Wolverine. He can run like crazy, fall down a waterfall, never break a bone, kick some ass and keep on going. The man is simply amazing. I also like the shape shifting ones like mystique. I guess somedays I think it’d be cool to walk around in the body and with the face of someone else, but still be me inside.
Anyway, I wish I had some of Wolverine’s super powers. Unfortunately, I do not and some days I am more reminded of that fact than others.
I have this thing about pushing myself too hard sometimes. I know I shouldn't, but I do it anyway. Rarely, anyone takes notice of it. I work too many hours or too many days in a row, thinking in my head if I just keep the right attitude, I will be just fine. Of course, it never works out that way. I get tired or crabby or sick. Once I to that point of being exhausted or ill, I end up feeling like a failure because I am not superhuman.
The wonderful one and I were talking about this at length one day. He said he was worried because I wasn’t taking care of myself. He said I needed time off to rest. He also reminded me that I am not superhuman. Of course, I was listening to him, but not wanting to pay attention because I wanted to stay up and talk to him. He, of course, was having none of that and insisted that I lie down and take a nap.
I pouted a bit, but then I took his advice. Deep down, I knew he was right. I am tired and I have been working entirely too much. I needed the rest so I did take that nap and I felt much better afterwards.
So why would he say those things? Why would he care? I mean, doesn’t every man want to be with superwoman who can work all day, come home, cook, clean, stay up all night and then get up the next day and do it all again? I mean, isn’t that how we’re supposed to be? Super women?
I suppose not. Amazingly enough, he was actually concerned with my well being and health which is why he sent my sorry, tired, crabby ass to bed even though he wanted to talk as well. He was more concerned with my basic needs at that moment than his own which, when I thought about it, was very thoughtful. I can’t remember the last time a man ever sent me to bed because I was tired. Actually, I don’t think any man ever has or has even tried to do something with only my best interest at heart for me or my life.
Since I’ve been in Alaska, he’s become my new superhero. He’s always there when I come home. He stays up late to talk to me even though he’s exhausted and has entirely too much on his plate. He shows and expresses genuine concern for me and my well being. He never complains about the situation we’re in now. He’s supportive and thoughtful about pretty much everything going on in my life at this moment, even the mundane and insignificant stuff. He makes me laugh when I’m having a bad day. He listens attentively and offers advice when he can. He shares what’s going on in his life. He is my superhero.
I suppose it’s time I start being his.
So who is your favourite superhero?
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