Thursday, August 26, 2010

Round and Round

Have you ever gotten so lost that even with a map you couldn’t find your way. You knew you needed to be somewhere or get on a certain road, but you missed the turn off and had to back track or find another path.

Whenever I go anywhere, I have this talent for getting lost. I can have a map or a GPS with the route completely mapped out for me and I’ll still get lost. One time when I was visiting my best friend in Worcester, I got so lost that it took me 2 hours to get home even though it should have only taken me 10 minutes.

In Worcester, there is a very famous rotary right in the middle of town. There are about 5 spokes that branch off from it, going in every single direction. I had taken the car to go shopping and had maneuvered this particular rotary with ease and grace. I was so proud of myself that I found the store and hadn’t gotten completely lost. I wandered around the store with a smile on my face and went about on my merry way.

On my way home, I drove the same way I had before, only in reverse. I hit that rotary, however, and all changed. I couldn’t remember which turn I was supposed to take. I drove down one road only to find it didn’t look familiar, so I turned back and reentered the rotary. Round and round and round I went through that rotary until my phone rang. It was my best friend wondering where I was. I told her what was happening and she said, “Did you take the pleasant street exit?”

Obviously I had not! It was the only one I hadn’t gone down because I was sure that wasn’t the right one. Of course, she was laughing about this because all in all, it was damn funny. How many times can someone go through a rotary and still manage to get lost? There are only so many turn offs that you’re bound to get the right one eventually. Fortunately, I did manage to make it home in one piece and we still laugh about that story to this day.

For some odd reason when I think about my life somedays, I am reminded of that rotary and my subsequent trips around it. I just kept going around and around with the faith that I would make it through and find my way home. It might take a while, but eventually I would get there and all would be fine.

Life is like that sometimes. You go around and around and don’t seem to be making any headway. Nothing changes and you can feel like you’re stuck and don’t know which way to turn. Then one day, you find the right path and it all works out.

Being here in Bethel, somedays I feel like I’m stuck in that rotary again. I know where I am, but I’m not sure which path to take. I know which ones not to take, but I’m unsure which one is the right one so I am still going around and around. Maybe my best friend will call me again and tell me to get on Pleasant street. I do, however, know that I’m not stuck and that one of these paths is the right one. It may not be clear or obvious right now, but it’s there. I just have to get on it. Actually, there are a few paths that I may or may not go down, but eventually I’ll end up right where I need to be when I need to be there. Of that, I have no doubt.

So round and round I go. Somedays I am more confident than others and I know I’ll probably get lost along the way, but I’ll eventually find my way and it’ll be ok. It always ends up ok.

1 comment:

  1. It's the pleasant st exit.... always pleasant on pleasant.
