Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Go Ahead....Try again

Go Ahead...

All I had to do was write a contract. Now I knew that contracts were powerful, but I had no idea how powerful. The person on the receiving end of it I don't believe even read it. All I know was I got an email, then a phone call and that was the END of that....Not that it ever really began, because I was, from what I could tell, being completely dicked around (and for those that don't know me, there is only one place I like to be dicked around!)

See, a month ago I agreed to be a salesman for a friend of mine's business. I thought this was a good deal at the time until after a few weeks of being given the run around about pretty much everything. I couldn't get a straight answer from either owner and no one was writing anything down. OH there was also the problem with my being educated and 'not respectful enough' to the one owner who is for all intensive purposes, a chauvanist pig.

Throughout the month, they were dragging me about on service calls, calling it training and NOT paying me. They also wanted me to take a licensing exam which I was happy to do, until I realized after looking up the reference material that my 'training' was a serious joke. (no wonder their other techs couldn't pass their exams on the first try!) So I started to wonder "WTF am I doing with these jokers?" They want me to grow, or rather DOUBLE their monthly sales, but they don't have the infrastructure for that and from what I can tell, THEY DON'T WANT TO PAY ME.... and and and......

Anyway, I said I wanted a contract, that I wanted to be an contractor, 1099'd and that's what started some issues. Mind you, I worked for a month in 'training' and was paid a whopping 200 dollars. But I digress, back to the contract. So the one owner told me he wasn't sure about having a contract between us. Then he balked and and said he couldn't have me work as a 1099. I was like...ok then.

SO I wrote the contract, sent it in and that was the end of that....Honestly, they couldn't afford me anyway. Hahahah....

The best part of all of this is now I can put my efforts into my business, Isa, and into my acting career. I can't tell you how happy this makes me. I spend most of the day working on my acting resume which was fun. I talked to some family and friends and it was a good day.

Tomorrow I go to the gym and work on a few other things for my other business. I might clean the house and who knows.

All I know is I'm free, I'm free......Let's try again!!

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