Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Promises, Promises

Promises, Promises

On and on we laughed like kids
At all the silly things we did
You made me promises, promises
Knowing I'd believe promises, promises
You knew you'd never keep.
~Naked Eyes  "Promises, Promises"

Sometimes I wonder if someone who knows me told Naked Eyes to write this song about the people in my life who have continuely made me promises and somehow managed to forget about them and me.

Recently an ex-boyfriend resurfaced as he does from time to time. He's pretty normal chap for the most part. The part that is not normal lies and cheats and likes to make promises.  For four years, I believed him even though deep down, I knew he'd let me down once again for the last time.

Anyway, he's been lamenting about his life. He feels that he's lost everything he ever cared about. As he put it, he 'had everything he's ever wanted, but let it slip through his fingers.'  On and on he sniveled over the text messages about what an abysmal failure his life is because he has nothing to show for any of it.

Humph....what a load of BS!  He has a nice house, two nice cars, an education, his health and money.  What the hell more does he want or need?  Seriously, he should be thankful for what he's got and quit whining.  Well, I told him to be more thankful and he responded that he didn't have a baby.

WHOA!  A baby?  When we were together, I tried to talk to him about having a family because I loved him so much that I wanted a family with him. Of course, we NEVER talked about it because he just 'was never ready.'  Ha ha, fucking, HA!  He wasn't ready because he had two girlfriends, one he loved and one he didn't love (guess which one I was!)

SO I flat out told him he could have had that with me, but he blew it when he cheated. He agreed and started whining again about how bad he feels about the way he treated me.

No what good does whining and lamenting about it do now?  Not a damn thing. It doesn't change a damn thing that happened in the past. He made his choices.  He promised me alot of things, but never made good on any of them and now, SHOCK, we are not together nor are we going to be together.

The whole point of this story isn't just about him though.  I can't tell you how many times people have promised me things and not made good on their promises. Many men have promised to take care of me, to never leave me and to love me forever.  Many friends have proclaimed us to be friends forever, only to abandon me in a moment of need or weakness.  Some of my family has promised that blood is thicker than water, only to turn, tuck tail and run when they are needed for something.  In business, I've had bosses and partners promise me heaps of money and success, only to lie and throw me under the bus whenever they felt like it.

I'm so sick of people promising me things and not following through.  In fact, I'm to a point now that when someone says anything to me that even resembles a promise, I don't believe them.  I smile and say "we'll see."  Usually they fail to make their obligations which makes me shake my head and say "Why do you bother?" and "Why did I even believe you for one instant?"

Promises, promises.  I am sick of promises.  Don't make me a promise cause I'll probably be likely to coldcock ya!

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