Sunday, February 12, 2012

No, I'm not MIA. I'm in MA!

Back in the day before my life got crazier than it is now, I used to blog more.  I thought I had a lot to say and at the time, I did.  For the past two years though, I've been traveling for work and trying to sort out this thing called life. I haven't had much to say.

So what's happened, where am I now and what am I doing?

Well, I went to Massachusetts for a 3 month contract.   I have always had a thing for Massachusetts and New England in general so when they offered me a  permanent job, I was going to take it.

Anyway....that contract never came in, yaddah yaddah yaddah, but I love it here so much that I decided to look for another job....and I found one.  It's in Boston and I'm super excited to start even though I have no idea how I am going to like commuting.  The opportunity was just too good to pass up plus it's always been a dream of mine to live and work in or near Boston.

See, dreams do come true! I am moving to New England.  I'm staying with friends right now.  All of my stuff is still in NM and I still have to move that and the cats...but I'm here....and I'm happy

And I'm not MIA.  :)

More blogs to follow....I promise!

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