Thursday, March 4, 2010

Oh Happy Day!

Oh happy day!

Seriously. Everyday should be a happy day! Today is no exception!

Since I've started a low carb lifestyle, everyday is turning into a happy day. I wake up happy. I go to bed happy. I spend the day happy.

I guess my body has been on a high carb rollercoaster for so long that I forgot what being happy like this felt like. For years, I've struggled with depression, lack of motivation and pure outright sadness for anything and everything. I've had to go on antidepressants. Life was pretty miserable when I think about it now. I remember it was an event to get up in the morning and stay awake all day. By noon, I'd be tired and have to lie down to take a nap.

Last year, I started graduate school which compounded my exhaustion. I would pack a healthy lunch of a sandwich, carrots and what not. Once I'd eat it, of course, I would be tired and hungry again. I drank copious amounts of tea to keep myself awake. My plan didn't work very well because I kept gaining weight and losing energy.

What a difference a couple of months makes! I was really skeptical of LC, but after coming to the realization that I have always suffered from hypoglycemia, I needed to do something before my body got worse and I felt even more terrible. LC seemed to be the answer, so I tried it, full heartedly. Giving up sugar was a nightmare. Giving up potatoes made me sad....

BUT once I got through the first week, I noticed a serious change. I wasn't tired anymore, all day, every day. The fog of my brain seemed to clear up. I would get hungry, but I wouldn't have a migraine with it. My body started to feel better. I would eat and feel satisfied, and amazingly, not be hungry again an hour later. I started making plans and lists of things I want and need to get done, and so far, I've been attacking the lists with passion and fervor. I love that!

So the more I've read about hypoglycemia, the more I believe that this is the only way for me to eat for the rest of my life. I'm prepared to do that too because I want to feel good and healthy. I have always had too much insulin which means my poor pancreas is always overworking. I've had this condition since I was a child so it's only fitting now that I give my poor pancreas a break finally. So far I think she's liking the rest!

One of the benefits of eating like this is weightloss. I'm enjoying that as well. Last week, I went through all of my 'skinny clothes' and organized them. I can't wait to wear them again. Seeing them out in piles really lit a fire under me to keep going with my new lifestyle. (New Year=New ME). I have so many cute things that I will wear again.

On another note, I don't want to get diabetes. I don't want to have migraines or an achy body. I'm only 37!!

Woo's working too! 21 lbs are gone. Even more inches are gone and I feel good....everyday, I feel so good!

Oh happy day!!!

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