Speak softly, but carry a big stick.
Sometimes in our lives diplomacy is called for. Why? Because it's simpler. the rules of parsimony reign supreme especially when it comes to people. Because you just don't want to end up in jail or have to call someone else so they can end up in jail. Jail is just not my kind of fun, if you know what I mean.
For the past couple of weeks, between my brother moving in with me and then onward to Salt Lake City, I've been having quite a few of these big stick moments.
First, he was staying with me. He and I don't always get along (hey, we're siblings..we're not supposed to get along). While he was here, we got along fabuously which says alot. Granted, we did have some disagreements, but no one ended up being chased into the backyard with a knife (it's happened before!).
Then there was the issue with the BMW at his ex-roommates housethat belongs to our father. My infinitely 'smart' brother was supposed to get the car off of the property before he moved. Well, that didn't happen because he left so suddenly and his ex-roommate was being oh-so-ever unhelpful because he was mad at my brother. Once my brother was gone, I ended up taking care of the issue which worked out fine. I made a nice phone call to the ex-roommate with the promise that the police would be called if the car wasn't returned to either me or my father. Hallelujah, I didn't have to call the police and the car will be coming home today.
Then there are my friends. Boy, do I love them. I do, but sometimes I tire of giving advice and listening to all the drama. I guess that's part of being a good friend though. You gotta be there for them through the good, the bad and the everything in between. Lately, most of them are living somewhere in the in between and the bad. I pray for them everyday and just keep on with my life.
I spent a day helping one of them paint this week and I gotta tell you, it was the best day ever! Yes, we were covered with paint and somewhat high from the fumes, but damn was it fun! We had a nice lunch, an even nicer conversation and after all our hard work, we got into her hot tub! It was great.
The LC lifestyle is starting to settle in quite nicely and I'm feeling the best I have felt in years despite the fact that I am 60+ lbs overweight. I guess my attitude about eating has changed since there are so many things I can eat, rather than what I can't. I swear that since I've been eating this way for a while now, I've changed, both mentally, physically and emotionally. I am no longer stressed out all the time. I am just so freaking happy! I haven't had a migraine and everyday is just so amazing to me.
Yesterday I was able to fit into a size of 14 pants. I haven't seen that size in over 3 years so I was pretty stoked. I'm just so blooming happy it's unbelievable
Everything around me seems to be working out for the best lately.
I guess I'll just continue to speak softly and carry a big stick!
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