What happened to April? I started the month in NM, working on curriculum, hanging out at the gym and my home, happy as a pig in shit.
Somehow, I ended up going to Philadelphia to work at a hospital. I lived out of a suitcase. I ate bad food and drank entirely too much. I made heaps of friends along the way and contacts for both school and work. It was entirely too fabulous and I miss it.
I am finally home and enjoying all of the luxuries that it has to offer.
I have been cooking and eating right for the first time in over 3 weeks. My cats are all over me like white on rice. I can listen to music as loud as I want, whenver I want. I sleep in a nice soft, pillowtop bed. I have a hot tub and a car at my disposal. When I want to do laundry, I don't have to get quarters to pay for it. My refridgerator makes ice and will even crush it for me if I so desire. I don't have to wear a bra or panties. I can waltz around the house naked.
IT's soooo wonderful. I knew it was before, but now I have gained a perspective that I have never had.
Once I thought of my home as a prison. I have worked from home for the past year and a half and as much as I appreciated it, I had no idea how deep that vein ran.
I took so much of it all for granted. Like food. Who thinks of food as a big deal? On the road the past month, I became a cave man. What will I eat, where will I get it, what will it cost and should I be eating it? pervaded my every thought. Food. All the time, every day all day.
At home, food is never an issue. I get hungry, I fix something and I eat. My larder is always fully stocked. I have so many choices at home that it's scary. I love that!
Clothing was another big issue on the road. I thought I had 'packed well'. After one week I realized that I was so ill prepared that it was scary. I was working so much that I never had time to do laundry. I think I wore the same panties three days in a row and even contemplated wearing them inside out to get a couple of more days of use out of them. I washed my scrubs in the sink at the hotel because I didn't know what else to do.
At home, I have a drawer of panties... a whole drawer. I think there may be 50 pairs of panties in that drawer. No wonder panties were not on my mind when I left. I also have three closets full of every kind of clothing imaginable. I never run out of clothing at home, and if I need to wash them. I have a washer and dryer at my command. It's lovely. Unfortunately, I took all of it for granted.
The list of things I am happy and thankful for with regards to my home is limitless. I am blessed that I got to come home to this fabulous place. It was never a prison. It has alway been and will always be paradise. Simple and beautiful.
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